The fight for women's reproductive rights has a long and complicated history in America. Click on some of the links in this section to learn about the connections between abortion and poverty, abortion and slavery, and the importance of sexual education and access to affordable birth control.

The above link is a site with stories of young people who have received abortions, and legislative restrictions on abortions and other forms of reproductive healthcare that impact young people directly.

In 2020, Washington state voters passed Referendum 90 - a piece of legislation that mandated comprehensive Sex-Ed for all students, K-12. Find information on Referendum 90 at the links below!

In this section you can find videos that interview individuals who have received abortion care, and the realities of working in an abortion clinic. There is also a documentary on Netflix, Reversing Roe, which talks about the history of the landmark Supreme Court case, as well as others.

Since SB8 has sent people into a frenzy, seeking out correct information can be difficult. In this section you can find information on Texas' new law, as well as sites that can be used to find your nearest abortion provider.

If you are in need of abortion services, the links below can help you find your nearest provider. The last link goes directly to the National Network of Abortion Funds. Abortion funds provide support to individuals seeking care both financially and logistically. Besides covering the cost of a procedure, they can also assist with transportation, lodging, and childcare. The link will take you to their website where they provide instructions for how to contact your nearest abortion provider, and next steps after that.

When legislation like SB8 is implemented without challenge, it can make people feel powerless and frustrated. This section provides links for how to get involved in volunteer and advocacy work with groups around the country. I have also provided a link that can help find your nearest abortion fund and donate to them, but if you are unable to donate at this time, there are so many other ways to get involved.

